Advanced Pest Control Services

(Part of the Sussex Technical Products Group)



Pest Control Advice

Wasps are one of the most disliked groups of insects but fear is misplaced as wasps rarely sting unless they are aroused or frightened. They are beneficial in Spring and early Summer when they feed their grubs mainly on insects. From midsummer onwards the worker wasps feed on ripening fruits. In late Autumn flies and other protein foods are collected for feeding the last brood.


Wasps have a narrow waist in the middle of the body. The needle-like sting possessed only by females is concealed near the tip of the abdomen. Workers or queens are produced according to the diet of the grubs. Workers are smaller than queens and never lay fertilized eggs. Male wasps which are also smaller than queens develop from unfertilized eggs laid by queens or workers. There are two main species of wasps in Great Britain. The common wasp and the German wasp both of which nest underground and cavities in trees, walls and roof voids.

Life Cycle

In Spring the queens leave their hibernating places and seek nesting sites. Having selected a site, the queen starts to build her nest with a papery material that she
makes by chewing small pieces of wood mixed with saliva. The nest contains cells in which eggs are placed, when the grubs hatch the queen feeds them until they are
ready to hatch as wasps. By July there are enough adult workers to take over duties of building the nest and feeding the grubs. Nest building continues until the colony may consist of many thousands of workers. During mid and late Summer, males and young queens are produced, the fertilized young queens fly off to hibernate in dry protected places such as roof voids. Males and workers continue to be active until late Autumn when the nest eventually becomes unused and is rarely used the next year.

Wasp Stings

Wasp sting

The pain of a wasp sting is caused by a toxic fluid which is injected through the needle like sting as it penetrates the victim’s skin. Individuals react differently, some hardly affected, others suffer considerable pain and swelling.

Control Measures

Wasp nest

Before the nest gets to the size of a tennis ball, it is possible for most people to deal with it themselves using a wasp spray. Once above this size, destruction of the nest normally requires specialist treatment. If insecticides are used you should follow the instructions carefully.

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