Advanced Pest Control Services

(Part of the Sussex Technical Products Group)

Flea Treatment Advice


One of the most important things to understand when any treatment is carried out for fleas is the life cycle. Here are some facts about fleas. One flea can lay up to 25 eggs per day. Fleas develop from egg to larvae to pupae to adult in 18-26 days (depending on temperature), Fleas can only lay eggs after taking blood from the host animal. The main concentration of eggs is usually in the pets bedding (or sleeping place), fleas lay there eggs on the hairs of the host, but scratching by the pet allows eggs to be deposited around the house. The eggs hatch into a larvae stage which looks like a small thin grub, this feeds on flea droppings and other matter commonly found in the pets bedding. The larvae stage then weaves a cocoon around itself where the metamorphosis takes place (changes into the adult form), at this point the adult flea is able to emerge, but it will only do so if it feels vibration which suggest a potential host is nearby. In a occupied house sufficient vibration occurs daily so the newly formed adults will emerge almost immediately this is detected. In a premises that is not occupied the adult will remain in a dormant state and can do so for months. Once triggered by vibration the adult flea targets a potential host by its body heat. If you consider this in a outdoor wild situation, all these senses have evolved to allow survival where few hosts passing infrequently will be encountered, a flea may only obtain one chance to emerge and find a potential host, as such the emergence and targeting phases has evolved and can be achieved in seconds in some cases. Apply this to the home, and it is easy to see why a few fleas picked up outdoors, can get totally out of control in the home.

How can I tell if my pet has fleas

Look at your pet closely, does it scratch more than normal which would suggest irritation, with dogs the irritation can cause the dog to nibble away leaving bald patches on the tail or hind areas. Cats tend to tolerate flea bites without noticeable effects, but close examination will reveal fleas or flea droppings, these look like small bits of grit and feel very much like grit. If these are put on a wet tissue and rubbed between finger and thumb, they will turn the tissue dark red (flea droppings consist of a high percentage of undigested blood). check out the pets bedding will usually provide substantial amounts of flea droppings. Inspection of your pet and the use of a fine toothed flea comb will reveal active adult fleas. Any of these found will suggest treatment is required at least on the pet, if persistent pet treatment seem to be having no effect, this suggest a considerable infestation exists in the home, and the house should be treated in coordination with the pets.


Pet and House Management, This can help to reduce any problems.

Combing the pet with a comb will help to remove fleas and destroy eggs, Vacuuming the carpets and furniture will pick up eggs, this is especially important if your pets are allowed to sleep or climb on sofa's etc., make sure you vacuum under the cushions and don't forget down those gaps at the edges. Cleaning the area where the pet’s favorite sleeping place is will remove significant numbers of eggs and larvae, if you use a basket any bedding should be washed in the washing machine (eggs larvae and adults will not survive this), periodic treatment of your pets will kill fleas.

Why you may have fleas and not have an animal

1. In the summer months fleas can survive outside and be carried into the house. 2. Visitors may have animals and transport fleas into your home. 3. You can visit other people with animals and transport fleas back to your house. 4. Moving into a property, you could inherit a flea problem from the previous occupier.

Advice following flea treatment

We expect that the flea treatment carried out will be successful and we hope that the following advice will also be of assistance. The floors of your property will be covered by a layer of insecticide which is odorless and invisible. It has a very good residual effect which means that it will continue to work for some time if left undisturbed. Adult fleas will be killed within a few days but the floor should not be vacuumed, swept or washed if possible for two weeks after treatment because there will still be eggs which will continue to hatch. As the eggs hatch and develop, you might find fleas reappearing 7-10 days after treatment. This is quite normal and provided the insecticide remains in place, it will kill fleas in your home. This is why it is important not to carry out cleaning which might remove the insecticide.

Treatment of your pets must be carried out as part of a coordinated treatment program, otherwise fleas will survive on the pets to re-infest the premise later. Treatment of your pets should be carried out using a treatment that kills fleas, be wary some products you can purchase are designed as a repellent, these products do not kill fleas. Suitable pet treatment products include the following. Advantage flea control for cats and dogs, frontline flea control for cats and dogs, various flea control shampoo's for cats and dogs. If you require further information on this, please consult your vet.

Causes of re-infestation

1. Vacuuming before two week period. 2. Bringing more fleas from other premises. 3. Not treating your pet or not following the product’s instructions.

If you still have fleas after a 14 day period, please contact us and we will arrange for a
Pest Control Operative to investigate further.

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